Student Mentors

Shared Living

In Welcome Week, you’ll be visited by the Welcome Team (the people in pink t-shirts who helped you move in) and asked to complete a Shared Living Agreement as a flat. You’ll make an agreement on issues such as cleaning the kitchen, noise, guests and acceptable behaviour. It’s best to talk honestly and openly about these things to try and minimise any issues that may crop up over the year.

Sometimes flats do fall out. Don’t worry, though – we’re here to help! A flat meeting or mediation can be set up with a Student Mentor and a member of site staff (if necessary). This provides you with a safe, open environment to discuss any problems and to try and find a resolution. The mentor will act as an impartial third party to help the flat come to a mutual agreement.

Addressing issues early on can prevent them from escalating. After all, it’s important that you are happy living in your flat and can call it home.

If you are having problems within your flat and want to talk to us about it then please get in touch