Bullying and Discrimination

At the Guild we have a zero tolerance approach to any form of bullying, discrimination or hate crime. You can find our Zero Tolerance Policy here

Discrimination on the basis of defining characteristics such as gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, medical condition, ethnicity or age will not be tolerated – regardless of whether these characteristics are perceived or actual.

The Guild of Students is committed to fighting intolerance, discrimination and any form of hate crime. If you, or someone you know, has been the victim of a hate crime, there are a number of resources in place to report hate crimes and get support.

A hate crime is when someone commits a crime against another person, motivated by a prejudice against a group they belong to. Acts of hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, assault and bullying. This is not normally caused by something the victim said or did, but more because of the victim’s identity - otherwise known as their ‘protected characteristics.’

Protected characteristics include: disability, transgender identity, race, religion, and sexual orientation .


If anyone experiences a form of bullying or discrimination at the Guild or any of our events then you can report it by emailing complaints@guild.bham.ac.uk.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to a member of the Officer Team about this, you can do so using the below contact information:

Visit Guild Advice in the Guild of Students and talk to a trained Advisor.

  • o Guild Advice are a Third Party Reporting Centre and are open 11.00am - 3.00pm during term time, with Advisors on hand between 12.00pm - 2.00pm.
  • o Alternatively, you can contact them on 0121 415 8965.

Contact the Student Mentor Scheme for support and advice (if you live in University accommodation)

  • o The Student Mentor Scheme is a third party reporting centre and is open between 4pm - 8pm during term time.
  • o Visit them in their office located in the Vale hub or email mentorwelfare@guild.bham.ac.uk

Visit the Campus Police Officer (based in University Centre, opposite Spar)

Contact Security Services at the University of Birmingham who operate 24 hours a day, all year round and are always available to offer assistance and advice to students, staff and members of the public. You can contact the Security Services team via:

  • o 0121 414 3000 for non-emergencies
  • o 0121 414 4444 for emergencies
  • o Email: securityservices@contacts.bham.ac.uk

You can also report hate crimes that happen on and off campus to the Police via: http://www.report-it.org.uk/

Contact Us

Comm. Wardens - 0121 415 8968

Guild Advice - 0121 415 8965

Guild Lettings - 0121 415 8376

Student Mentors - 0121 415 8967

Global Buddies - 0121 415 8984
















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