Trustee Board
Why do we have a Trustee board?
In 2008, the Guild of Students became a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) and as a result a Trustee Board was established to provide guidance, expertise and strategic oversight of the Guild of Students. The Guild then became a Charity in 2010.
The Trustee Board has ultimate responsibility for the overall management of the Guild. This responsibility is delegated on a day to day basis to the Chief Executive and staff team. The Trustees must ensure that the Guild remains legally compliant and solvent, and in ‘safe hands’ in accordance with our Articles of Association and the Bye-laws.
The Trustees meet six times each year and are the key decision-making body at the Guild. Generally, the Board does not get involved in the political issues or policy setting, which is led by the Full Time Officers and students through the All Student Meeting and All Student Vote.
The Trustees ensure that the Guild has a clear vision and strategic direction; they ensure that there are enough funds to do the things that students expect us to offer and that we comply with all regulatory requirements. This also involves the Trustees regularly discussing the performance and targets set in the Strategic plan; the annual budget and its performance; improving our democratic structures and ensuring that we respond to the research we undertake with our students.
Who are the members of the Trustee board?
The Trustee Board is comprised of 18 Trustees.
As follows;
- Seven of the Trustees are elected Full Time Officers, who are also responsible for representing the student body and elected in the annual election process
- Four of the Trustees are Student Trustees, who are current students studying at the University.. At least one Student Trustee will be a current International student, and one student is required to be a current Postgraduate student.
- Seven of the Trustees are External Trustees who are appointed because of their skills, experience, interest and commitment to the Guild. One of these Trustees is a nominee from the University.
When are the Trustee Board Meetings?
Find out dates of all upcoming Trustee Board Meetings, and read previous minutes, here.
Trustee Board Governance Structure