All Student Vote

All Student Vote

Student Idea Submissions:

  • Pro-Choice

Live Voting Stats

Content and Trigger Warning - Items within this All-Student Vote include content on: Abortions and related medical procedures, reproductive rights, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and miscarriage, rape and potential discussion of sexual violence.

It is time for the third All Student Vote of the academic year! You will be able to vote on the following items as decided through the Guild Democratic Decision-Making Process. Please note that items submitted to the All-Student Vote are reviewed and supported at the point of submission. This may have occurred several months prior to an All -Student Vote.

If you’d like to see the results of previous All Student Votes, please go our Democratic Minutes Webpage.

Please contact Student Voice if you have any questions.

What Is The Timeline?

3 February
Voting Open

7 February
Voting Closes

10 February
Results Announced

Documents & FAQs

If your question is not answered below please email the Student Voice Team.

Quorate means having a certain number of students in attendance to make decisions and vote on ideas and policy proposals.

The quorum for the All Student Vote as outlined in the Guild of Students Bye-Laws ( shall be 1% of the current Full Members of the Guild, calculated at the start of the Academic Year. For this year, quoracy is '428’.

This means that In order for a Complex Idea or Guild Policy to pass i.e: Yes (For), it must be quorate and receive at least 50% + 1 of votes cast against both No (Against) and abstentions (abstain).

An All-Student Vote, (ASV), happens when items submitted to the Democratic System, which have been successful at the Demonstration of Interest stage, are reviewed by an Action Group and need to be voted on by the Student Body. The Vote is open to all Full Members of the Guild of Students, and the quoracy (the number of votes required for the vote to be valid) is 428.

If the ASV is passed, the idea must then be approved by the Guild of Students Trustee Board. The Board may pass the idea, reject it or adopt it as a corporate conclusion.

This means that the vote (if quorate) demonstrates a conclusion has been reached by students, but the Guild cannot legally support the outcomes, or any campaigning activity noted within the idea or policy.

Policies or Ideas are passed this way when they conflict with Charity Law or other relevant laws of the land and do not affect Guild of Students members i as students at the University of Birmingham.

All Student Vote Documents

Guild Byelaws

Read our governing byelaws around democratic processes.

All Student Vote Campaigning Guidelines

Guidance on Campaigning during the All Student Vote.

Pro-Choice policy

Pro-Choice policy.

Action Group Minutes

The following are minutes from the action groups, who recommended these policies be taken forward to Guild Action Groups:

Pro-Choice Action Group Minutes


Every UoB student will be able to comment on the idea(s) and/or policy proposal(s) online.

To view & leave comments you need to login and be a full time UoB Student. Please note that your comments will not be anonymous.

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