Meet the Trustees

Meet the External Trustee's- Richard Evans

Name: Richard Evans

Occupation: CEO – Birmingham City University Student’s Union

Board Member Since: October 2013

Other Guild Involvement: Guild Staff Member 1995 - 2000

I started my career at the Guild of Students’ in 1995, fairly fresh from a different university and employed as Promotions Co-ordinator. Before joining the staff team at the Guild I hadn’t had much to do with Students’ Unions and was quickly impressed by the fantastic activity, people and environment I was lucky enough to join. I was promoted to Marketing Manager during my time at the Guild and stayed until 2000 when I left to be General Manager at Worcester Students’ Union.

I made some long lasting friends, colleagues, networks and the personal development during my time at the Guild has benefited me throughout my career.

When the opportunity to be an external trustee came up I thought this might be a way of thanking the Guild by volunteering some time and knowledge on the governance, strategy and sustainability of the organisation.

I am now Chief Executive of Birmingham City Students’ Union and as you would expect passionate about student leadership, voice, democracy and development. I have good knowledge of the Higher Education Sector and specifically the impact of sector changes on Students’ Unions.

I see the role of External Trustees as offering specialist advice to student officers in conversations focused on strategic priorities set by the membership. The Guild is a truly great organisation and I am pleased to be able to contribute in some way to the Guilds sustainability.

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