How To Fill Out An Application

We will use the information supplied on your application form to decide whether to select you for interview.  Although filling out application forms may seem like common sense, many candidates miss out on an interviews because of a poorly completed application.

General Tips

  • Please DO NOT send a CV we will not read any CVs that are sent in and will not accept applications that refer to your CV for answers to the questions on the form.
  • Keep the job description and person specification to hand when filling in the form – this is what the Guild selection panel will be comparing you against, so bear it in mind at all times when considering your answers.
  • Before you start filling out the form, please check you have all the information you need, e.g.- names and addresses of referees, dates of courses etc.
  • Decide what you are going to write in each section of the form – practice in rough on a photocopied version of the form, and check it thoroughly for mistakes and duplications.
  • Bad spelling or grammar, tippex, crossing out, or poor handwriting does not give a good impression.  If in doubt, ask someone you know who has good spelling and grammar, to check the form. If the form is available online or email, complete it on the PC, as opposed to printing off and handwriting, as it can be typed and spell-checked.

Completing the Form

  • Personal Details - make sure that these are easy to read otherwise we may have problems contacting you if we want to offer you the job!
  • Qualifications – these are for information only so please include only recent courses.
  • Other education – include brief details here of any courses relevant to this position, e.g.- first aid, communication skills, customer service, etc.
  • References – choose three people who know you well and can comment on your suitability for the job, but are not related to you. Please give clear contact details for both referees.

Longer Questions

The questions at the end of the form enable us to assess you against the person specification.  The space provided for answering these questions indicates the length of answer we are expecting – very brief answers mean we cannot get an idea of your skills and experience and you will be unlikely to be selected for interview. You can use the format below to help you:

  • Circumstances - One line to indicate the situation
  • Actions - One or two lines on your contribution to the situation
  • Results - Give an indicator of your success e.g. outcomes or results achieved
  • Skills - Bullet or add a line on skills achieved

So, for example: “Please give an example of a time when you have demonstrated effective customer service”.

Bad answer – “I worked in my local supermarket during the vacation”

Good answer – “During my school vacations I worked in my local supermarket as a retail assistant.  I demonstrated effective customer service when a customer complained about a product.  I offered to refund her money and to provide a new product free of charge.  The customer happily accepted my offer and thanked me for my assistance.  My help was effective because I was polite to the customer, accepted her complaint and offered an alternative solution.  I used my communication and listening skills and considered how to approach the problem and solution in the best way for the customer”

  • Please ensure you answer all of the questions on the form.
  • Don’t forget to photocopy your completed form so that you have a record of the information you have supplied and can check it before your interview.

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