
Hiya, I'm Acacia your Guild President

Hiya, I am Acacia your new Guild President.

Image of Acacia, the Guild PresidentI thought it would be lush to write a very candid intro to who I am and what I will be doing this year, as honestly, had you asked me two years ago what sabbatical officers were I would have laughed and thought you had just made up a word.

So about me, I am 20 years old and have just finished my second year of my political science and international relations degree, which I will return to when I finish my time at the Guild. I am originally from Guildford in Surrey where I am lucky enough to live with my parents, brother and dog Otto.

I am likely to be seen wearing an embarrassingly large cardboard costume at Sports Night with Politics Society Netball, belting ABBA at Indie Lounge or occasionally at Tiverton gym (I like to think it happens more than it actually does). I really do feel like Birmingham, specifically Selly Oak, is my home, although this does break my Mum’s heart a little whenever I say I’m going back home (in reference to Selly).

In regards to what I did before I was elected, I started an activist / campaign group called Reclaim Campus UOB, which is now a society at the Guild (free membership!!), I became Chair of the Guild’s All Student Meeting, as well as working part time as a waitress in the Jewellery Quarter.

My biggest piece of advice for anyone, regardless of where you’re at in your university journey, is to get stuck in as much as possible. Use the start of each semester or year as a fresh opportunity to meet as many people and try as many new things as possible. For example, I hadn’t played netball for about 4-5 years and now play a match once a week with a bit of training thrown in.  By getting involved I have made some life-long friends and really recommend that you make the most of the amazing opportunities University presents.  

I’m here to support and represent all students, so should you have any questions or concerns, please do drop me an email, or find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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