Wherever you are in the world right now – hello! My name is Imogen and I’m your new Disabled Students’ Officer for 2020/2021!
A few interesting facts about me:
- I’m a first/second year medic at UoB
- I have CMT (the Google pictures are worth a look, but only if you’re not squeamish!)
- I’m a Derby gal at heart
- I love horse riding, kayaking and swimming
- I like to dabble in all things artsy
- I love lists
What does the Disabled Students’ Officer do?
- Act as a voice for the disabled students of UoB
- Improve the accessibility and inclusivity of all parts of student life
- Campaign for positive change in relation to disabilities
- Educate fellow staff and students on the importance of issues affecting disabled students
My ambitions for the year ahead…
- Launch the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower campaign
- Encourage better inclusion for LGBTQ+ disabled students
- Push for the use of subtitles in Panopto to increase the accessibility of lectures
- Campaign for increased inclusivity and accessibility of sports – particularly the expansion of the para-sports options available
- Champion disabled musicians within the University to encourage more opportunities to play and perform
- Music therapy sessions
It’s a lot, but I’m passionate and confident that we can achieve great things at UoB!
Although Coronavirus has made it so that we’re physically far apart, now is the time to remain connected. Stay up to date with all that’s going on in the world of disabled students via my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
Big love,