Jules Says

Hello from your new Education Officer!

Hello Everyone! I’m Jules, your new Education Officer for 2020/21. I can’t wait to get started and work to represent you for the next year.

Some basic info about me… I’ve just graduated with a degree in Politics. I hail from Dudley (which is quite close to Birmingham). I enjoy baking, trips to the pub and following my football club around England and Europe (Liverpool FC).

So what do I want to do this year? If you look at my manifesto I have an array of ideas to improve education and the overall student experience here at UoB. However, the world has changed significantly since I wrote this way back in February. Many of you are likely to have new concerns and worries about how COVID-19 will affect your education. I’m responsible for the Student Rep system, so I will likely know who can help you make the changes that you want to your degree.

To do my job effectively, I want to hear from you. To get in contact, send me an email or a message on social media. If you have any concerns or worries I will always be happy to listen to them and assist you as best I can.

I wish you all luck for the academic year ahead and hope you make the most out of your time here at UoB!

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