Autumn Elections By-election

Autumn ElectionsBy-Election

Due to a number of empty roles in the Autumn Election, we’re running a By-Election to fill these roles, which you can find details about on this page.

We are also re-running 4 College Rep elections.

For more information please see our Autumn Election Results Announcement.

The Autumn Elections are YOUR chance to have YOUR say on who YOU want representing YOU and YOUR Guild this year!

You can now apply to represent over 38,000 students, and make a real difference to your University community!

The information on this page will tell you about the roles that are available, support available from the Guild before, during and after the election, and how the election works. 

Applications open Thursday 19th October 11am and close Monday 23rd October 11am. Voting will open Wednesday 25th October 11am and close Friday 27th October at 5pm.

What Is The Elections Timeline?

19th Oct
23rd Oct

Applications Open

25th Oct
27th Oct

Voting Open


Results Announced

What Roles Are Available?

There are lots of roles available, including School Reps, Committee Members, Appointments Panel Members and NUS Delegates.

Whichever role you apply for, you will be able to make positive change for students at UoB!

All of the roles are Part-Time, so they can be completed alongside any study commitments.  For each of the roles, meetings may be online, in-person or hybrid, and any access needs of students will be considered. For more information about the mode of meetings for, and accessibility of specific roles, please email .

College Rep Election

If you are looking for roles to apply for that aren't listed above, they may be included in our Autumn Elections College Rep Election.

Autumn Elections Applications Pack

The Applications Pack includes important elections documents (e.g. elections rules, wellbeing support), and useful resources to help you with your application and campaign.


Election Regulations

All candidates must take responsibility to read these regulations and ensure that their campaign teams know about these. Not knowing about the regulations is not an excuse for breaking them. If the regulations are unclear or you need more help at any time, please email the Elections Team.


Guild of Students Byelaws

Please refer to Bye Law 8 with regards to Elections and Bye Law 6 with regards to Committees of the Guild.


Guild of Students Zero Tolerance Policy

The Guild believes that a Zero Tolerance approach should be taken towards any form of harassment based on defining protected characteristics that takes place in any of the Guild’s venues or events.


University Harassment and Bullying Policy

The University is committed to creating a working and learning environment free from harassment and discrimination in which all staff, students and visitors to the University are treated with dignity and respect.


Complaints Procedure

The Complaints Procedure explains how we will deal with any elections complaints.


Complaint Form

A student or candidate wishing to submit an election complaint must do so by using this Complaint Form. This must be sent by email to

All complaints must be substantiated with evidence in support of their complaint where possible.

Current Election

Autumn Term By-Election 2023

Your chance to apply for decision-making committee roles, Guild committee roles, and Rep roles!

49 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

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