Guild Elections

Officer Team and NUS National Conference Delegate Elections 2017

This election is to elect the 8 Full-Time and 11 Part-Time Guild Officers who lead your Guild of Students and represent you for the academic year 2017 - 18. This election will also elect 8 NUS Delegates. Every year the National Union of Students (NUS) holds a National Conference which sets policy for the NUS for the year ahead in each of the 5 zones and holds NUS elections. Students elected as delegates will get to go to the NUS National Conference in April 2017. Guild of Students will send 9 delegates to this Conference, with one place being a reserved place for the President of the Guild. Therefore there are 8 open place delegate positions available in this election. At National Conference 2014, delegates passed a policy to ensure that delegations to National Conference would be made up of ‘at least 50% self-defining women, rounded down’. This motion means that all delegations, including the Guild’s have to have at least 50% self-defining women on them (rounded down).

The polls have closed.

You are not permitted to participate in this election.

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