Welcome 2024

Welcome Starts In:

Committee Training Extra!

Monday 09 September 2024

9am - 5pm




£0.00 (Wellbeing session)
£0.00 (Membership session)
£0.00 (Media Law session)
£0.00 (Employabilitysession)
£0.00 (Antisemitism session)
£0.00 (Dashboard session)

Join the Student Activities Department for a week of EXTRA training sessions developed to help you excel in your role as a committee member. This is YOUR opportunity to go above and beyond in your role engaging with a range of training sessions not delivered previously by both Guild staff members and external organisations. See below for the full schedule of training sessions taking place across the week!


Date and timings Name of session Session description 
09/09/24  1-2pm Wellbeing 101: looking after yourself and your members This session is focused on your well-being as a committee member and how you can support the wellbeing of your group members. We will go through how to be a well-being champion for those around you as well as sharing valuable information on the processes in place to support you through signposting and reporting disclosures.
09/09/24  2-3pm Building membership: Welcome Week and beyond In this session we'll help you to generate ideas to grow and maintain your membership, from top tips for attracting new members within welcome week to keeping people interested throughout the year. This session will also include details and guidance or student groups participating in a societies fair.
10/09/2024  3.30-5pm Media Law training  Facilitated by David Banks Media Law Consultancy, this session focusses on the issues around student groups' use of social media. This includes issues such as copyright - using photos you don't have rights to etc; privacy - taking care of members private information; libel - what we shouldn't post about other people and organisations; and how to tackle online abuse and trolling when it happens. 
11/09/2024  1-2pm  Employability and skills development  Facilitated by the University of Birmingham Academic registry and Careers Network departments, this session will introduce you to the ways in which your committee experience can help you develop your employability and skills for the future, and resources in place to help you achieve this at the University. 
11/09/2024  2-4pm Anti-semitism awareness training  Facilitated by the Union of Jewish Students (UJS), this session covers the history of antisemitism, understanding the British Jewish community, antisemitism on campus and how best Students’ Unions and Universities can support their Jewish students. Training will take place online, with places for this session limited to 25 people. 
13/09/2024  2-3pm Activities Dashboard training  Join us for an introductory session on how to use the new Student Activities department Activities Dashboard. This is the new way in which student groups are being asked to notify the team about their activities, and complete the majority of forms/processes, via the Guild of Students website. 



Registration is required for each individual session through the tickets attached to this event page. Tickets will go off sale for sessions taking place on a given day at 9am on that day. 

All sessions will be ran online via Microsoft Teams call. 

For any questions, please email studentgroups@guild.bham.ac.uk for more information. 

***Please note- this event is only relevant to committee members of Guild of Students groups***

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