Training Events

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Sun 22nd December

Thursday Beginner Ballroom and Latin Classes
10th October 6pm - 30th June 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
5th November 6pm - 28th July 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
12th November 6pm - 4th August 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
19th November 6pm - 11th August 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
26th November 6pm - 18th August 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
3rd December 6pm - 25th August 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
10th December 6pm - 1st September 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
Tuesday Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes
17th December 6pm - 8th September 9pm
UoB Guild of Students
Novice and Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Classes taught by professional coach Jackie Conway.
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