Guild Represents


Ever wondered what your Guild of Students does? One of our main roles is to represent every single student at Birmingham, to ensure you have the best student experience possible! You may be wondering how we do this, so we wanted to show you some of the many ways we represent you!

If you’d like to represent your fellow students, why not stand in our Officer elections or become a Student Rep? If you’d like to talk to us about how we can represent you, why not contact us and we’ll be happy to chat.

How Your Guild Represents You

Campaigning on Your Behalf
Your Voice is Heard
Achieve Your Potential
Elected Officer Team
Reaching Out To You
Finding Solutions Together
Informing the University
Listening To Your Concerns
Helping You Make Change
In your University Accomodation
Highlighting Your Money Worries
Your Student Home Quality
Improve Your Academic Experience
Support Through The Complaints Procedure
Support in your Local Community
Holding Officers to Account
Being There For You No Matter What

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