Hardship Fund

Guild Hardship Fund


The Guild Hardship Fund is now open until Friday 13th December.

The Hardship Fund is available to Students who are experiencing a short term, unexpected financial difficulty. The University has worked with the Guild to provide financial support towards the fund and allow more students to benefit from it.

Any award made is regarded as a grant and does not have to be repaid.

So, if you feel like you could use some support, please do apply.

How do I apply?

You must complete all parts of the application form fully and return this together with supporting documents by the date indicated by your Advisor.

Complete the form and submit it below including all relevent information.

If you have any questions or need support please email it to Guild Advice.

You're Not Eligible If

The Guild Hardship Fund cannot be applied for if the financial issue you’re experiencing is;

  • Not sudden or unexpected (for example, you were aware at the beginning of the academic year that your income would not cover your living costs)
  • Not a short-term issue (for example, your financial issue will not be resolved with a one-off grant payment and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future)

Or if you are applying for:

  • An income replacement (i.e. more than one payment)
  • Covering personal debt only
  • Support with paying towards rent or tuition fees

What happens with my application form?

Your application will be reviewed by Guild Advice Advisors to confirm your eligibility. If your application is deemed ineligible you will be notified in writing as to the reasons why. All eligible applications will be assessed and where applicable will be presented to our Guild Hardship Fund panel for review.  

How are the applications considered?

Each application is considered on its own merits. Not all applications are successful. The team will consider the following when assessing your application:

  1. Action you have taken to date to assist yourself;
  2. Level of hardship you are in;
  3. Evidence provided;
  4. Any other relevant information.

The Panel may attach certain conditions or recommendations to any award made.

When will a decision be made?

We are aiming for outcomes to be shared within 10 working days, but please note that due to demand outcomes may take longer than this on a case by case basis.

Guild Hardship Fund Submission

Submit your completed application below. Please have your relevant bank statements ready to submit at the same time.



Student ID Number:


Please enclose the following with your application (you cannot submit without these):

Completed Guild Hardship Fund Application Form *Required

Last three bank statements received for each account you hold *Required

additional bank statement uploads (if applicable):

Please enclose copies of the following with your completed application (where applicable):

Student Finance England Financial Notification of Assessment or Sponsor’s Letter

Student Loan Schedule

Student Support Fund Application or Award/Rejection Letter

Accommodation contract or other proof of how much rent you pay

Any other evidence as detailed in your interview relating to the payment of credit cards, loans, hire purchase etc (see attached list where applicable)

Evidence of costs incurred for childcare or emergency payments – e.g. receipt or booking form

Any other evidence that you feel we should consider as part of this application


In order to provide an effective service, the information on this Application Form, all other correspondence and interviews with you will be recorded by Guild Advice. All records are treated as strictly confidential and are stored for a minimum of six years before being destroyed. The information is kept to allow Guild Advice Staff and the GHF Panel efficient access to the client’s details, to enable us to assess your application and help you as best we can.

The Guild of Students will process any personal data which you provide in this form in line with data protection law and the Guild of Students Privacy Notice. If you have any concerns you can contact the Data Protection Officer at dataprotectionofficer@guild.bham.ac.uk

I declare that this application is a true and full statement of my financial position. I agree to the Guild of Students processing the information in this form for the purpose of considering this application. Please tick to confirm.

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