3BUGS Fringe Theatre Society specialises in both already published and student-written plays, which have low-budgets & max 8 cast members. We take one play to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival every year, which is the world's largest arts festival! We also organise many socials, including the annual Guild Drama Summer Ball.
Please feel free to follow us on socials and get in touch with us via the links below and request to be put on our mailing list:
Email: fringe@guild.bham.ac.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3BugsFringe
Instagram: @3bugsfringe
President: Jonny Eastmond
Vice President: Kate Lewis
Secretary: Gabriela Borges Da Costa Hofton
Treasurer: Malachi Griggs-Taylor
Welfare Liason Officer: Tash Rowe
Events Coordinator: Zoë Large
Press and Publicity Officer: Luke Pierce-Powell
There are currently no events listed. Please check back later.