Refreshers Fair

Refresher's Fair

Lockdown may have stopped us from bringing you a ‘normal’ Refreshers event, but we are excited to announce that our virtual Refreshers Fair open's on Wednesday 17th February.

The Fair will be open 24/7 and will last seven days, so you can join when it’s convenient for you.

When you enter the Fair you’ll see a virtual map filled with popular campus and Birmingham landmarks, by clicking on these icons you'll be able to navigate to different part of the Fair. From mental health support, to a housing information fair fabulous brands and more, there will be so much to do and see.

What's On

Housing Information Fair

We know that for many of you, housing is a hot topic right now. So, we’ve organised an informative fair so you can speak to local landlords and housing support services, and ask questions.


With the pandemic affecting the job market, we want to provide you with as many opportunities as possible to gain experience and become more employable. So we’re excited to announce that Pot Noodle will be hosting a careers fair advertising 100 internship opportunities.

Give it a Go

It’s never too late to try something new, and a great place to do just this is our Give it a Go Fair featuring our 500+ societies. No matter what you’re passionate about, you’re sure to find the perfect group for you.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Services

We’re living in very challenging times, and it’s natural to feel anxious or overwhelmed. If you find yourself needing to talk, there are a number of mental health and wellbeing services you can approach at the fair who can offer support.

Popular Brands

It wouldn’t be Refreshers Fair without a fantastic array of brands for you to meet and interact with. We’re talking Yakinori, Domino’s, Teach First, Girls who Graduate and more!

Twitch Live-Streams

We also have a full calendar of Twitch live-streams for you to enjoy, including live Q&As with local landlords and careers talks with a range of brands and businesses.

Wednesday 17th February - Housing

13:00 - Rent Right Q&A

Thursday 18th February - Careers

13:55 - Access Group PR
14:00 - A talk with festival owners at Strawberries & Creem
14:30 - A talk with gaming start-up Fruitlab
15:00 - A talk with music company WeJam
15:30 - A talk with tech start up Thrive

16:00 - A talk with Newham Music Academy

Friday 19th February - Housing

11:30 - Landlord Q&A

Monday 22nd February - Housing

15:00 - Rent Right Q&A

Tuesday 23rd February- Housing

14:00 - Landlord Q&A

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