A purple background with the words Rep Awards

Rep Awards

The Guild and University of Birmingham are proud to once again present Rep Awards – a chance to celebrate all the hard work and outstanding achievements of students and staff involved within the Student Representation System.

Rep Awards are judged using a set of judging criteria to help inform your nomination. The results of Rep Awards will be announced during our in-person Rep Awards ceremony in June, so keep an eye out on your emails and on our Guild social media channels for more details!!

There are many awards over 7 categories, and nominations are open until 25 April. Please read our FAQs below for more information, or email studentreps@guild.bham.ac.uk.

The awards are:

  • Outstanding Student Rep (UG and PGT combined) – 1 for each of the colleges (5x awards)
  • Outstanding PGR Rep - 1x award
  • Outstanding college rep - 1x award
  • Outstanding school rep -; 1x award

The above awards are all scored using the ‘Outstanding Rep Award’ criteria

  • Outstanding Staff Support – 1x award (can be a team of staff)
  • Outstanding Rep Teamwork – 1 award (can be given to a group of reps)
  • Rep of the Year – 1 award (Not open to nomination –previous Rep of the Month Winners are automatic nominees)

Once nominations have closed, all fully completed nominations will be anonymised by our team and sent to scoring panels who will impartially score nominations against our criteria.

Our winner’s panels will select the final winners for each award, using the scores given. We will then get in contact with nominees for further information regarding next steps.

Yes, and we really encourage you to do so! We want to hear from you about the amazing work you’ve been up to as a Rep this year.

Yes of course! We encourage members from across the entire university community to highlight those student Reps and Staff teams who they believe deserve recognition! We even have an award celebrating colleagues in the university who go above and beyond in their support for the Student Rep system!

The Categories Are:

Outstanding Student Rep Award
Outstanding College Rep Award
Outstanding School Rep Award
Best Rep Impact Award
Outstanding Association
Outstanding PGR Rep Award
Rep of the Year

Rep Awards Nominations

Rep Awards Nominations 2025

Thank you for taking the time to nominate a student rep for a Rep Award and recognising their hard work and dedication throughout the 24/25 academic year. Please use this form to tell us about your nomination.

Information on each section will be provided throughout. 

Please note, if you close the survey before completing it, your responses will be deleted. To prevent this please complete your nomination before closing the webpage. 


Data Protection

The Guild of Students will process any personal data which you provide in this form in line with data protection law and the Guild of Students Privacy Statement.

If you have any concerns, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at dataprotectionofficer@guild.bham.ac.uk

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