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Officers Making Change 

Every year, you elect a team of Full-Time and Part-Time Officers – to represent your views, improve your life on campus and support you during your time here.

Each of the officers has an area which they look after - so whether you need help with an academic issue, you need support with your welfare or you just want to get involved in a sports team or student group, there will be an officer to help you!

We also have officers who represent specific groups of students, such as international students, postgraduate students and LGTBQ students. If you need help or support with anything at all during your time at University contact a member of the officer team to help you. Even if they can’t help, they’ll help you find someone that can.

Any student can stand for election, so next year it could be you!

Last year YOUR Officer Team did loads of great work, making changes to improve the experience of UoB students and ensuring that each of you could get the best from Birmingham. Here’s just a few Officer wins that we’re really proud of:

  • Successfully lobbying the University for a Full-Time Postgraduate Students’ Officer.
  • Helping to raise £100,000 through Junkbusters – a scheme where bags of unwanted items are collected in Selly Oak for the British Heart Foundation.
  • Successfully convincing the University to continue to fund the BME Ambassador Scheme for another year and to create the new BME Attainment Gap Working Group, with key University staff and Guild representation as part of its membership.
  • Ensuring that students were heard during 4 University Restructures, meaning that your voice was heard throughout the changes!
  • Updating the ‘Consulting Students on Major Changes’ Policy to ensure that student consultation will no longer take place over vacation periods
  • Securing a 24 hour library!
  • Successfully asked the University to include Trans identification into Online Registration and to rewrite the Guidance for Transgender Staff and Students to be much more inclusive and actively supportive of Trans students. 

So, what will this year bring? Watch this space

Remember, if there's something you want to change, YOUR Officers have access to high level decision-makers and are trained to make change happen! If there is an issue you want to campaign on, the Officer Team are here to support you. Check out each Officer’s page or our campaigning web pages to get you started!

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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