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Adam Goldstone - education officer

Hi, I’m Adam, your Education Officer. I’m here to represent you to make sure that you get the best out of your education. To do this effectively, I want to hear from you. If you have any ideas for a campaign or would like to know more any more about your education, please do get in touch. Email me, Facebook me, or come and find me in my office! I’m also responsible for the Student Rep System which allows reps to make real improvements to your student experience, so get involved! I hope you have a great time studying here, and make the most of it!

Adam Goldstone - Education Officer 2017-18

My Blog

Contact me

contact chris wilkinson by email
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My Manifesto

Adam Goldstone - Education Officer 2017-18 Manifesto

Officer Action Plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

10% Complete
Autumn 2017
  • I have been invited to a Study Space Project Board where I will be able to give input to a number of projects that the university is working on includingAutumn 2017
  • The live study availability page has been updated to longer hours, so it now runs 9-6 Jan 2018

Progress Status

5% Complete
  • I have been involved in the early process of making improvements to the my.bham online portal Autumn 2017
  • I have had a number of discussions about the introduction of a University app that shows the same as an online platform Autumn 2017

Progress Status

10% Complete
  • A Canvas style guide has been published for this academic year so lecturers can follow a format when uploading material onto Canvas. This should give more consistency, making it easier to use. Autumn 2017

Progress Status

50% Complete
  • I am looking into the possibility of piloting online only submissions in one of the Colleges, with the plan to roll it out across the whole university Autumn 2017
  • I am working to find out how widely this is done in practice, and to try to make sure that physical submissions are the exceptionNov 2017

Progress Status

10% Complete
  • I have been looking into the current Article 26 Scholarship awarded by the University, to see what provisions the university currently offers. I am setting up a meeting with someone at the University to fully understand what is on offer right now, and how best to approach making improvements.Autumn 2017

Progress Status

10% Complete
  • I have written a blog about the current state of HE policy, trying to simplify it as much as possibleJuly 2017
  • I am planning another blog about the recent changes to TEF and feesAutumn 2017
  • So far, there is not very much being discussed about Brexit that is relevant to students. If the conversation moves that way, I’ll do my best to keep students up to date – Oct 2017 Autumn 2017

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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