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chris wilkinson - education officer

'Hi, I'm Chris and I'm your Education Officer. It's my job to make sure you get the best out of your degree whilst studying here at Birmingham! I'm responsible for the Student Rep System and work closely with the University to make sure your voice is heard on all academic matters. I want to make sure that your degree works for you, so if you have an idea for a campaign, have any questions about your degree, or just want to find out more about any educational stuff, feel free to drop me an email and come for a brew! I hope you have an incredible time whilst studying here at UoB

Chris Wilkinson - Education Officer Image

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Officer Question Time Videos

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My manifesto

Chris Wilkinson - Education Officer Manifesto

officer action plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.


Text Your Rep

Progress Status

80% Complete
  • Conversations at the Guild were held to discuss the effectiveness of a Text Your Rep system, what this would look like and how this would work. Aug 2016
  • We recognised that it would be better to integrate Student Rep Experience into the Guild of Students website, rather than through mobile phones. Aug 2016
  • The Student Rep Hub was launched! This gave Student Reps the opportunity to hear about the latest news, events and gives them the opportunity to share and receive content.Nov 2016
  • We held a selection of workshops to see how effective the Student Rep Hub was and what may be needed going forward. March 2017
  • Plans were made to look into the next stage of the project, introducing My Academic Hub. March 2017

Feedback Friday

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • We changed the name to Chris’ Corner, so students can also find out more about what I have been doing, not just Student Reps. Dec 2016
  • Chris’ Corner was introduced! Every two weeks I now sit around campus giving you the opportunity to come and have a chat and a proper brew! Jan 2017

Progress Status

60% Complete
  • I worked with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) to establish a Panopto Working Group with academics, CLAD and with students. This committee would meet three times during the year.Sept 2016
  • The Panopto Working Group met for the first time. It was agreed that Panopto was something that all academics should be promoted to use. However, it was recognised there was issues surrounding copyright and technologyNov 2016
  • A Technology Enhanced Learning Panel was set up in order to test new technology and to create a Canvas Layout which would work better with Panopto. Jan 2017
  • The Panopto Working Group met for the second time. It was agreed that a Code of Practice would be written on Lecture Capture. Academics would have to provide a suitable option if they did not provide Panopto, such as a ten minute summary or extensive notes Feb 2017
  • The Technology Enhanced Learning Panel met and it was discussed that the new Canvas Layout would soon be signed off in the College of Social Sciences, with the hope of it eventually being spread across all colleges. March 2017

Progress Status

90% Complete
  • The Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) and I reviewed the current policy on Assessment, Feedback and Personal Tutoring. We recognised that the policy did not cover the quality of feedback and left many questions unanswered. Sept 2016
  • The Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) and I held a forum to understand what concerns and issues staff faced when marking assessments, as well as reviewing over five years-worth of feedback from students. This allowed us to have a better understanding of what a new Code of Practice would need to contain. Oct 2016
  • I took part in the Universitas 21 Educational Innovation Conference with three student reps, in which we were able to confirm that quality assessment and feedback (formal and informal) would be a priority in 25 research-led institutions across the globe Oct 2016
  • The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Postgraduate Students Officer and I reviewed the first initial draft of the new Code of Practice on Assessment and Feedback Jan 2017
  • An Alternative Assessment Change Group was set up in order to discuss new ways of how to better assess studentsFeb 2017
  • The Code of Practice was taken to University Education Committee and approvedMarch 2017
  • The Code of Practice was taken to University Senate and approved, with implementation to follow in September March 2017

Progress Status

70% Complete
  • Work began with Registry in order to better understand why across the five colleges it was difficult for some students to know what modules they could take, and when they would be taught. Aug 2016
  • We discovered that due to the process of timetabling, in the current system it would be difficult to be able to plan this. It also placed limitations on room capability, so we decided we would work to change thisOct 2016
  • A Programme Administration and Teaching Support Group was set up to oversee changes made to the timetabling system, including an audit of all learning spaces Jan 2017
  • A Programme Administration and Teaching Support Group was set up to oversee changes made to the timetabling system, including an audit of all learning spaces Feb 2017

Progress Status

80% Complete
  • Meetings were held with the College of Social Sciences and the College of Arts and Law who hold most Joint Honours students. We discussed the issues that are facing Joint Honours Students and how to best resolve them Sept 2016
  • Through the Student Voice Report, a recommendation was made that students should receive a Primary and Secondary Personal Tutor. This was taken to University Education Committee and was passed. Oct 2016
  • The Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) updated me to say that the Primary/Secondary Tutor proposal was happening in every school starting from September 2017. Work now consists of managing schools ensuring that the policy comes about and helping schools in how to get this set up Jan 2017

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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