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Georgie Freeman - Sports officer

Hi, I'm Georgie and I’m really excited to be your Sports Officer next year! I am here to be the student voice of sport, whether you are interested in joining one of our sport clubs, going to the gym or getting involved in our intra-mural sports (or all 3!) I am here to help you out. I work alongside staff at the Guild and at UB Sport to help deliver all the sporting opportunities that are available to you. My main aim this year is to make sport readily accessible to all and to get as many people involved in sport as possible! The sporting opportunities at our university are endless and so I will do my best to help you all make the most out of them. Send me an email or a message with any questions at all about sport at Birmingham – I look forward to seeing loads of you getting involved!

Georgie Freeman - Sports Officer

my blog

Officer Question Time Videos

Contact me

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My manifesto

Georgie Freeman - Sports Officer Manifesto

officer action plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

60% Complete
  • Brum Varsity Match between Medics and Rugby club already taken placeMarch 2017
  • Discussed inter-varsity competitions at the West Midlands Sport meetings - goal was to look at: Cheerleading, wheelchair basketball and handballMarch 2017
  • In the process of working with Kingstun (basketball activator) to organise a wheelchair basketball taster session March 2017
  • Inter-Uni aquathlon is happening again this year after the success of last year- I am doing some work in attempting to make this a BUCS event March 2017
  • Ask other clubs if they would like to do a Varsity event next yearOngoing
  • Make the Inter-University Aquathlon a BUCS event Ongoing
  • Have a session at club conference about competitions other than BUCS, eg. Development leagues/Inter-Uni comps etcOngoing

Progress Status

70% Complete
  • FREE fitness classes at the beginning of the yearMarch 2017
  • This Girl Can week March 2017
  • This Girl Can Fight week March 2017
  • Sport flyers rather than ‘club’ flyers at sports fair March 2017
  • Secured for This BUCS Girl Can funding!!March 2017
  • Starting to do a case study on the Women’s football club to show them as an example club with pathways and exit routes. March 2017
  • Implementation of x4 new This Girl Can initiatives if we receive the funding we have requested. These include: New sports activators, A taster session before Easter, a This Brum Girl Can Night In and a scheduled 10 week This Girl Can session – all for FREE! Ongoing
  • Continuation of the Sports flyers at sports fair but for even more clubs and to include accessibility aspectsOngoing
  • For the future UBSport website to be about the Sports more clearly as well as the clubs Ongoing
  • Completion of the report with the Women’s football club as a case studyOngoing

Progress Status

80% Complete
  • Disability in Sport campaign: research done having spoken to UBSport, student services and in liaison with the disability’s officer- survey completed and now doing the report. March 2017
  • In the This Girl Can Funding bid we placed a focus on International students, ethnic minority students and disabled students so that the focus would be on them. March 2017
  • Keep Wednesday afternoons free campaign: survey completed and now doing a report.March 2017
  • Completion of the Disability In sport report with further recommendations for the future. Achieving everything with the This Girl Can funding Ongoing

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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