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Jess Levy - Representation & resources officer

Hey, I’m Jess and I’m your Representation and Resources Officer! Over the next year I will be doing everything I can to make sure that the Guild represents you and your voice is heard! From the Your Ideas system to even running in an election yourself there are so many ways to get involved and I am here to support you in doing so. I want to ensure that you get the most out of what the Guild offers and, trust me, there is so much to choose from - whether it’s a meal in Street Kitchen or a night out at FAB there is something for everyone to enjoy! Please don’t be a stranger, if you have any questions or issues please come and see me in the Guild or I am only ever just an email away.

Jess Levy - Representation & Resources Officer 2017-18

My Blog

Contact me

contact brandon hattiloney by email
twitter icon to contact the representation and resources officer brandon hattiloney
facebook icon to contact the representation and resources officer brandon hattiloney

My Manifesto

Jess Levy - Representation & Resources Officer 2017-18 Manifesto

Officer Action Plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

30% Complete
  • Helped set up live music working group with the first event to be on the 24th November!Autumn 2017
  • Working on new projectsAutumn 2017

Progress Status

20% Complete
  • Gradball working group has been set up, and we are collating a list of things in which we can give finalists a say on.Autumn 2017

Progress Status

20% Complete
  • In the process of getting feedback about what you want from fabAutumn 2017

Progress Status

20% Complete
  • Loyalty Card in Street kitchen is coming soon.Autumn 2017
  • Working with the venues department to introduce new deals in Joes Bar.Autumn 2017

Progress Status

20% Complete
  • Living Wage- Currently looking into ways that we can afford this without affecting the running of our other services. We need to find approximately £48k.Autumn 2017
  • Working with relevant departments who employ student staff to find out what departments do well so we can share best practice.Autumn 2017

Progress Status

70% Complete
  • Introduced the Guild Policy Development Group, this replaced the assessment group and has the ability to pass Guild Policy, this can be vetoed by students on Your Ideas if they do not agree.Autumn 2017

Progress Status

25% Complete
  • Spoken with the catering department, the re-usable cup system has been set up and to date has saved a total of 11,590 cups being wasted! Looking towards expanding the vales Eco box system onto campus next yearMarch 2018

Progress Status

10% Complete
  • Enquired about light efficiency in the sports centre. March 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Whilst undergoing an Officer team review, all the way through I have made it clear that I believe a Full Time International Students Officer is needed for us the be truly representational of our student body. The outcome of the review has now been announced and we are going to have a brand new Internation Officer as part of the new team elected in Term 2 Introduced an International students rep on GPDGMarch 2018

Progress Status

50% Complete
  • Intake of Global Buddies has increased and the Guild has secured more funding for it!March 2018

Progress Status

30% Complete
  • In Officer review consultations when talking about the possible international Officer, it was recommended that its remit would include students on their year abroad. This is now in place for next year.March 2018

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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