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Kris Ali - Housing & Community officer

Hi, I’m Kris, your new Housing and Community Officer this year! My job is to make your living experience as safe and enjoyable as possible, whether you’re in first year halls or in Selly Oak. I work alongside the police, University and Council to reduce crime in our community and with the Community Wardens, RAs (the new name of the scheme is yet to be decided) and Student Mentors to provide a safer, cleaner, greener and more social community. I’m also here to deal with all of your housing queries. Do not hesitate to drop me and email or come to my office for any support and a cuppa :-)

Kris Ali - Housing & Community Officer 2017-18

My Blog

Contact me

contact kris ali by email
twitter icon to contact the housing and community officer izzy nicholds
facebook icon to contact the housing and community officer izzy nicholds

My Manifesto

Kris Ali - Housing & Community Officer 2017-18 Manifesto

Officer Action Plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • There will be a Selly bus service running from the start of the 18/19 academic term, providing an alternative option to students walking home from campus in the evenings. A StreetWatch Scheme has been set up through partnership work between the Community Wardens and West Midlands Police, creating a presence in the area acting as a deterrent. There is a Safety Partnership working group established that aims to make the area safer. July 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Worked with West Midlands Police to set up an online reporting platform allowing students to make reporting more accessible. Community Wardens are compiling and distributing leaflets regarding the importance of reporting. July 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • A housing strategy has been created that focuses on influencing the private housing sector to improve standards and supporting students with current issues that they face. The processes for influencing the market involves collecting data from students, analysing the current position, working with stakeholders to create guidelines to drive standards up, and have greater communication with service providers. July 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete


Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Indoor recycling bags distributed to student houses in Selly Oak as an intervention method for those who are actively engaged as well as those who need support with recycling.
    These will be handed out to homes in Selly Oak and a campaign will run alongside it to improve education around managing waste.
    Litter picking and mini-meadow projects delivered by Community Wardens. Education campaign about effective waste management.
    Working with stakeholders to identify opportunities for collaboration in order to manage resources more efficiently during key periods. July 2018


Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Indoor recycling bags distributed to student houses in Selly Oak as an intervention method for those who are actively engaged as well as those who need support with recycling.
    These will be handed out to homes in Selly Oak and a campaign will run alongside it to improve education around managing waste.
    Litter picking and mini-meadow projects delivered by Community Wardens. Education campaign about effective waste management.
    Working with stakeholders to identify opportunities for collaboration in order to manage resources more efficiently during key periods. July 2018


Progress Status

100% Complete
  • A variety of events planned that will be held during second and third term (Picnic in the Park, Open Air Cinema etc.)
    Handed out booklets to students which are guides to living in the community. July 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • The scheme has been restructured and is now the Halls Reps Scheme, to be launched in September 2018. There is a greater variety of events planned and hall reps can work on engagement with students and representation, in order to create a more inclusive community in halls. July 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • This was not currently possible due to the new Vale path, however there will now be a Selly Express bus service which has come about as it was identified as a priority. There is potential to expand the service if it is successful during the 18/19 academic year. July 2018

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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