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natalie cox - activities & development officer

Hi, I'm Natalie, your Activities and Development Officer at the Guild of Students! I'm here to support and oversee the wide range of student groups and societies we have, and to make sure that you get involved & get the most out of your time in Birmingham. Joining societies not only helps you gain important skills, but also allows you to meet people who have similar interests to you. Get in touch with me if you have any questions, want to have a chat, or even want to set up your own society!

Natalie Cox - Activities & Development Officer

my blog

Officer Question Time Videos

Contact me

contact natalie cox by email
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My manifesto

Natalie Cox - Activities & Development Officer Manifesto

officer action plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Spoke to Marketing about developing the app Summer 2016
  • Supported in testing the app and giving feedback on improvementsSept / Oct 2016
  • Launched app in January 2017 when we were happy that it had the best features possibleJan 2017
  • Will continue to look at improvements based on student’s feedback. Ongoing

Progress Status

80% Complete
  • Met with HR Manager & Administrator to discuss purchasing a new system for online room bookings. Summer 2017
  • Aided in research into finding a new online room bookings system that is viewable to all students and was able to make bookings easily onlineDec 2016
  • Had webinar demonstration of new proposed system (17/02)Feb 2017
  • In talks about pricing for new system, now that we are happy that it meets all of our needs. Ongoing

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Created Development Plans to help societies plan their years as committee members more effectivelySept 2016
  • Discussed with the Student Groups department when we would roll out the plans. We decided that they would be introduced with the new committee forms in March 2017. March 2017
  • Updated the ‘Planning Forms’ to include the development plansOngoing
  • Sent out with new committee training March 2017
  • Will email new society committees after Easter to see if they would like a follow up meeting with meApril 2017

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Worked with JSV department & University to increase the activities that can be listed on the enhanced transcripts. Sept 2016
  • University agreed to add more Guild categories, including student staff roles & specific committee positions. March 2017
  • Working currently with Marketing to create a web page where students can opt in to the activities they have taken part in that they would like to appear on their transcripts when they graduate! March 2017
  • Webpage detailing this update will launch in term 3 & students graduating from this year onwards will get more official recognition. March 2017

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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