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Rose Bennett - Postgraduate officer

Hey there, I’m Rose - your Postgraduate Officer! Postgraduates make up 40% of the student body and it's my job to make sure that they're well represented, supported and provided for during their time with us. I work closely with the PGMSA to deliver dedicated postgraduate events and develop the PG community at the Guild. If you are a postgraduate taught or research student and have any concerns or questions during your time at Birmingham feel free to email me, find me on Facebook or meet me for a coffee! This is a brand new full-time post and one of the first of its kind in the country so I really value your input on how to make it work best for you.

Rose Bennett - Postgraduate Officer 2017-18

my blog

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My manifesto

Rose Bennett - Postgraduate Officer 2017-18 Manifesto

officer action plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Reviewed the communications we send out to postgraduates from the Guild and created online booklets that are sent out via email on registrationAutumn 2017
  • Created the ‘Postgraduate Guide’ which was distributed during welcome week and throughout the year – this is also an online resourceAutumn 2017
  • Worked with C&M to create a postgraduate welcome page on the websiteAutumn 2017
  • Worked with PGMSA to deliver a fully packed week of events that were incredibly well attended and got amazingly positive feedbackAutumn 2017
  • Worked with Student Groups to created Guild-led postgraduate only welcome events which were also well received Autumn 2017
  • Worked with the University Graduate School to create monthly inductions for PGRs who arrive outside September Autumn 2017

Progress Status

50% Complete
  • Research Suite in the new library – I made sure it was open for MRes and all PGR students as well as just PhDAutumn 2017
  • Westmere opening some of its events up to PGTsAutumn 2017
  • First ever Postgraduate Ball (for PGRs and PGTs)Autumn 2017
  • Lobbying for a Graduate Hub building Autumn 2017
  • Dedicated PGT space is on the education plans for many schools Autumn 2017
  • Got a question about study space included in the PTES and PRESAutumn 2017

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Working with the PGMSA2016 - 2017
  • Higher response rate from PGs in annual Guild Survey2016 - 2017
  • Re-brand of PTES and PRES surveys and better communications around them2016 - 2017
  • Meet regularly and have contact with students to hear what their issues are2016 - 2017
  • Involved PG reps in PGT structural review and PG pre-arrival communications project2016 - 2017
  • Got a 75% mandate in the recent Officer Elections 2016 - 2017

Year Two

Progress Status

75% Complete
  • Undertook international visits to Australia, the US and northern Europe to look at Graduate School provisionSummer 2017
  • This culminated a paper that went to the University Executive Board – this included the possibility of either incorporating PGT into the current University Graduate School structure (with enhanced resource) or creating a separate Graduate School for PGTAutumn 2017
  • Awaiting outcome Autumn 2017
  • PRES data signalled areas for improvement for the Graduate School which are currently being reviewedAutumn 2017

Progress Status

75% Complete
  • Commissioned a PGT structural reviewSummer 2017
  • Completed review of PGT provision, included recommendations for minimum induction standards, dissertation provision, pre-arrival communications Autumn 2017
  • Will be fed into Personal Tutorial working group Autumn 2017
  • New PGT canvas induction module introduced this yearAutumn 2017
  • Awaiting decision on potential for management structures to incorporate DPVC postgraduateAutumn 2017
  • Many colleges have put in place ‘PGT Leads’ to compliment ‘PGR Leads’ who oversee PGT provision and operationsAutumn 2017

Progress Status

50% Complete
  • Research Suite in the new library – I made sure it was open for MRes and all PGR students as well as just PhDSummer 2017
  • Westmere opening some of its events up to PGTs Autumn 2017
  • First ever Postgraduate Ball (for PGRs and PGTs) Autumn 2017
  • Lobbying for a Graduate Hub building Autumn 2017
  • Dedicated PGT space is on the education plans for many schoolsAutumn 2017
  • Got a question about study space included in the PTES and PRESAutumn 2017
  • Your Ideas mandate to open Research Suite to PGT in discussion with Library Services Autumn 2017

Progress Status

90% Complete
  • Full time International Officer included as part of Officer review- awaiting outcomesAutumn 2017

Progress Status

30% Complete
  • Library Services have changed their structures which now makes accessing their services easier as a PGTAutumn 2017
  • Have met with Welfare Tutors in most Colleges to see how they tailor their support to postgraduates. Hatching plans about training events for PGR Supervisors around spotting the signs of students strugglingAutumn 2017

Progress Status

40% Complete
  • Met with University HR to discuss introducing Postgraduate Teaching Assistant RepresentativesSummer 2017
  • Changed Code of Practice to make sure that PGTAs are registered centrally within schools Autumn 2017
  • Signed the Guild up to a nationwide campaign about encouraging postgraduates to join UCUAutumn 2017

Progress Status

75% Complete
  • Gathered feedback from Postgraduate Officers from around the country at our PGO conference in NovemberSummer 2017
  • Submitted a motion to National Conference which will get voted on in April – Motion didn’t get heard so am trying again this year!Autumn 2017
  • Have been elected as a delegate to National Conference Autumn 2017
  • Met with Amatey Doku (VP Education at NUS) to discuss improvements to the Postgraduate Section of NUS Autumn 2017
  • Planning another PGO conference in December to gather support Autumn 2017

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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