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SHANNON FARMER - activities & development officer

Hi, I'm Shannon, your Activities and Development Officer. I'm here to support and oversee the wide range of student groups and societies we have in the Guild, as well as working with the Jobs, Skills and Volunteering department to make sure you get involved and have the best possible University experience here at Birmingham! Joining societies is great for meeting people who have similar interests to you and can help you gain important skills that look great on your CV. Feel free to come and have a chat, or get in contact if you have any questions about anything from societies to volunteering to part-time jobs! 

Shannon Farmer - Activities & Development Officer

My Blog


Contact me

contact natalie cox by email
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My Manifesto

Shannon Farmer - Activities & Development Officer Manifesto 2017-18

Officer Action Plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • The room booking system has been implemented and a guide has been made on how to use it. The next megaforum will go into detail on how to use it. I'm continuing to iron out any problems alongside space committee.March 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Roomy mcroom face is now open for bookings!March 2018

Student DJs.

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • We have had student DJs playing at the first societies night, and the next societies night will continue with a residency.March 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • The green room, dance studio, pankhurst and Amos room now all have pianos inMarch 2018

Progress Status

30% Complete
  • Live music working group set up, first meeting on 3rd nov.Autumn 2017
  • Organised street kitchen event, happening 25th nov.Autumn 2017
  • To create follow up live music meeting to debrief on street kitchen and work towards getting more live music in the Guild of StudentsAutumn 2017
  • Look at using beroma bar as a venue, getting it rigged with lightsAutumn 2017

Progress Status

80% Complete
  • The campaign will be launching in the first week of January, I am currently putting together case studies and quotes for things for it. Decided that the campaign will be ongoing throughout the year, have got badges and case studies. Case studies have gone out, and discussions have been had about how to expand the campaign to 'spotlight on', where each month groups and committee members get a special mention and an amazon voucher. Promotion for this will be done after elections week.March 2018

Progress Status

30% Complete
  • Sadly this has got no where so far, as media societies have had a lot on their plate recently, but towards the end of the year I will start doing focus groups. Currently in conversations with how to keep Redbrick alive, though not physically upgrading, i'm in conversations about sending media societies embargoed press releases to get on top of the game. have helped push the guild so that Burn FM get their new desk. Photosoc now take pictures at fab.March 2018

Progress Status

90% Complete
  • Me and henny delivered a session on welfare recently! We are just waiting for the resources to go onlineMarch 2018

Progress Status

75% Complete
  • A live music working group has been created, we are looking at the feasibility of using Beorma bar as a venue space, and discussing also the possibility of coffee house sessions every two weeks. We have now booked Beorma bar on the 9th March in collaboration with the Live Music Society for our first live music night.March 2018

Progress Status

10% Complete
  • Raised in space committee, noted how appreciative dance groups will be, as other groups could use university rooms.March 2018

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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