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Officer Accountability 

The Guild and its Officer Team are accountable to the members of the Students’ Union. Our members are you, the students at the University of Birmingham. We are responsible to you for our actions and all that we do.

We maintain and monitor this accountability to you through the rules laid out in our governing documents, through ‘Your Ideas’ & Officer Question Time and also through our Trustee Board.

‘Your Ideas’ allows you to submit a “Reprimand” or a “Censure” against an Officer if you feel dissatisfied with their actions. 3 reprimands are equivalent to 1 censure, and 3 censures trigger a vote of no confidence in an Officer - who may subsequently be removed from their position. The subject of the reprimand or censure must be regarding political performance of an Officer.

If a reprimand or censure is received at least 21 days prior to the next scheduled ‘Your Ideas’ cycle, the reprimand or censure will be considered in that cycle. Otherwise, it will be submitted to the next scheduled cycle of ‘Your Ideas’ democratic process. An Officer will be given at least 14 days to prepare a written response to the alleged unsatisfactory political performance.

Officer Accountability Image - Ways in which disclipinary action can be instigated for Guild Officers pdf

Click on image to enlarge

If you wish to submit a reprimand or censure, please use the below form:

Contact Us

General - 0121 415 9990

Elections - 0121 415 8943

Campaigns - 0121 415 8944

Student Reps - 0121 415 8945


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