RA Minutes and Meetings
ResExec (Residents’ Executive) is the fortnightly meeting of all RA committee members. All of your RAs get together at this meeting to discuss future plans and ideas, learn about upcoming campaigns or other major events within the University, and discuss other RA related issues.
ResExec is chaired by the Guild’s Housing and Community Officer - if you have any questions about ResExec or RAs please email housing@guild.bham.ac.uk or raworker@guild.bham.ac.uk
ResExec dates
Term 1 2015:
Friday 18/09
Tuesday 29/09
Tuesday 13/10
Tuesday 27/10
Tuesday 10/11
Tuesday 24/11
Tuesday 08/12
All meetings are 6-7:30pm in the Guild Council Chambers unless otherwise stated.
If you would like a copy of previous ResExec minutes then please contact raworker@guild.bham.ac.uk.
Operations is the monthly meeting of all RA committee members. RAs receive relevant training and any operational issues and tasks are discussed.
Operations is chaired by the Student Group Coordinator (RAs), if you have any questions about the Operations meeting please email raworker@guild.bham.ac.uk
Operations dates
Summer term 2015:
Term 1 2015:
All meetings are 2-4pm in Mandela unless otherwise stated.