Guild of Students Student Groups

RA Resources

Budget Forms

Budget forms should be completed a minimum of three weeks before an activity can take place, along with a risk assessment form. This three week deadline is in place so that staff at the Guild can look over the proposed activity, ensure that it’s benefitting students, and that all expenditure has been considered. The proposal form should be confirmed as being “signed off” by the Guild before any commitment to the event can be made..

For a copy of the proposal form please click here.


Appraisals should be completed within two weeks of the event taking place. They let the Guild know how much the event actually cost and if any problems arose. This helps the relevant Guild staff to review their activity carefully and concisely and also informs the Guild of any problems it needs to investigate. It also highlights to the Guild what sort of activities students in halls of residence are looking for. The appraisal form is the second tab on the budget form.

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessment forms should be completed for every activity which a Residents’ Association would like to run. These should be submitted to the Guild a minimum of three weeks before the activity along with the budget form – unless it is a Bar Crawl, in which case, the deadline is a minimum of four weeks in advance of the event. Risk Assessments are there to show that the event leaders are aware of any Health and Safety issues and have put in place procedures should anything happen. Risk Assessments are there for your safety!

For a copy of the risk assessment click here.

Risk Assessments & Budget Form Procedure

Please click here for a copy of the full risk assessment and budget form procedure.

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