Guild of Students Student Groups

Setting Up Your Own student group

Starting your own student group can be one of the most rewarding university experiences. In joining the Guild of Students as a new student group, you will become part of a vibrant and diverse community of over 300 groups.  The Student Groups team, located on the ground floor of the Guild, are always here to help. From your initial idea, through to running your student group, the Student Groups department will be there to support you every step of the way. Come and see us in our office hours, or drop us an email at

Being a student group at the Guild has many benefits. As a group, you have access to free room bookings, resources (a bank account, website, and email address), publicity, links to 300 other groups, and of course staff support from the Student groups team!

Beyond resources, you’ll gain invaluable experience in team work, event planning, and leadership skills. This can all count towards the PSA Award, your Enhanced Transcript…and maybe you’ll even win a Guild Award along the way!

Doing all of these wonderful things, however, does take up time. Before you decide to continue with this process, think about the commitment you are making. Have realistic expectations about what you would like to achieve, and the time and effort that you will need to put in. You will inevitably face some challenges, but overcoming these in a team is incredibly rewarding.

Our Criteria

We aim to approve as many groups as we can! There are, however, a few criteria that prospective groups need to meet:

  • We can’t approve a student group that already exists with the same objectives. Take a look at our list of groups. If you think you share similarities with an existing group, contact them to discuss the possibility of working together, and define your differences.
  • Group objectives can’t contravene Guild or University policy, or undermine the Guild’s charity status.
  • There is sufficient interest in the group! At the end of this form you will be asked to copy a link to a Facebook group/page which demonstrates that people are interested in your group.

For more information or advice

Student Groups Team: -  0121 2512424 – or come in to the Student Groups department. We live on the ground floor of the Guild.

If you want to start a sporting group, you may want to get in touch with the Sport Officer at

If you would like to start a group working with children or adults with care or support needs, please get in touch with a member of staff at to discuss any issues around safeguarding or legal obligations etc.

If you would like to start community volunteering group or campaigning and fundraising group, we recommend you get in touch with a member of staff from our Volunteering department at

Don’t forget, you can always contact your Activities and Development Officer if you have any questions at

New Student Groups - Approval process

The road to approval starts with your idea. Once you have a concept, and want to set up a group, come and chat to us! We want to hear your ideas, and make the process as easy as possible for you. Once this has happened, please fill in the online form.  At the end of the form, you will be asked to copy a link to a Facebook group/page, created by you to demonstrate that there is interest in this society through page likes/members in the group. If you do not have Facebook, email us at and we will send you a word document for hand written signatures.

In some cases, you will be invited to attend the Student Groups Executive (SGX), the committee responsible for actively representing all Full Members involved in Student Activities. This committee meets every few weeks to discuss new group proposals and grant applications. You may be invited to the SGX if we have questions that we don’t feel are answered in your start-up form.

Do not panic if you are invited to the SGX! When you are approved, you become a part of the Guild as an organisation.   We simply want to ensure that we can support your group, and know that we have the resources to help you run.  We want to find out more about you and your ideas, and make sure that your activities will be safe, insured, and well supported.

Who will make up the committee?

Your student group will need to have at least three committee members: a chair, a treasurer, and a secretary.

You can have as many committee members as you like, but a maximum of eight committee members can be authorised for your accounts. Committees are elected annually in spring.

How much should our group membership cost?

The minimum charge is £3 for student groups; religious and campaigning/fundraising groups can request to be free. Community Volunteering groups must not charge. How much you charge may depend on group running costs e.g. equipment, travel and resources. Most groups charge between £3-£5. If you have any questions, come and ask us, or take a look at what existing groups charge.

As a committee member, what am I responsible for?

As a committee member, you will be responsible for the activities of your group, and thus potentially liable if any injury, damage or accident.  You will be responsible for the group’s bank account and ensuring your group is sustainable.

How will we finance our group?

Each group receives £60 as a start-up grant. You have the opportunity to apply for other funding later. The Guild will not give funds for food, drink, events at external venues, t-shirts and campaigning off campus. You’ll raise your funds through membership fees, charging for events, fundraising, or getting sponsorship.

What training and support does the committee have access too?

You will need to complete an online committee training module which covers information about event planning, publicity and finances; and you’ll have access to extra training if required in areas like fundraising.

You can also have help, information and resources from dedicated staff and elected Officers, at any time you can email us or come in and ask any questions, or ask for a meeting to talk in more detail.

We want to start a volunteering group, is there anything else that we need to think about?

Please contact us with your ideas before you complete a form, as there may be legal issues that you might need to consider, such as volunteer selection/recruitment/recognition, child protection or other legal requirements. This also applies to other groups interested in doing any community outreach activity. This sort of activity requires close support from Guild staff to ensure that you’re doing everything that you need to – we’ll try to support you if you want to volunteer in the community, but it may take a little longer for us to work with you in order to best deliver what you want to do.

Student Groups Application Form

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