The icite guide gives lots of examples of how to cite and reference using different referencing styles.
Subject Support gives access to information on specialist subject databases, referencing software and advice about searching for information and how to contact your Subject Advisor to book an individual appointment.
Cite Them Right Online provides lots of help on citing and referencing, you can also search for topics such as secondary referencing.
Academic Skills Gateway has a wide range of help on academic writing, citing and referencing, note taking, etc. Gives access to self-spaced online courses, which allows you to dip in and out of courses/information as and when required.
Academic Skills Centre gives practical help on academic writing, referencing, note taking, exam techniques etc. You can book onto workshops or book an individual appointment.
The BIA In sessional Programme provides Synthesise for Success, 1-1 English and AskEnglish! to help international students avoid plagiarism.
UoB Guidance on Plagiarism defines plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism and practical information on plagiarism with UoB.