Every year Guild Advice has around 10-15 student volunteers assist them throughout the daily drop-in sessions. These are current students here at the University of Birmingham who have given up their spare time to support their peers. As part of our professional adviser team, our volunteers provide confidential 1-2-1 peer support and diagnosis to students who approach us for advice.
Any student currently registered with the University of Birmingham can apply to volunteer with Guild Advice. We normally have two recruitment phases each year, initially during Welcome Week (to start immediately) and subsequently during Term 3 (to start in the following academic year).
For more information on the role of a volunteer, deadline for application receipt, availability requirements for interview dates and compulsory specific core training date attendance please download this document.
If you would like to apply to become a volunteer with Guild Advice, please use this application form and return to the Guild Advice Manager either:
1. By hand to Guild Advice reception desk located in the Guild of Students
2. By email to thearc@guild.bham.ac.uk
3. By post to:
Guild Advice Manager
Guild Advice
Guild of Students
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston Park Road
B15 2TU