Guild Advice

Guild Advice Request Form

Thank you for choosing to contact Guild Advice. Once we have received your query an adviser will respond to you on your preferred email address within 10 working days

Enquiry Details

As you have contacted Guild Advice via our online form, your information will be used to create a ‘case’ and the correspondence recorded within our case management software. In order for us to help you please can you ensure you have included all the information below.

Please note you have the right to withdraw your consent to store your data at any point, just let your Advisor know. Further information about your rights and about how the Advice service processes your data is also set out in the Guild of Students’ Privacy Notice.




Student ID Number:


Student Type:

Student Status:

Are you on an Exchange or Study Abroad Programme?:

Year of Study (at the University of Birmingham):



Where did you hear about Guild Advice:

Area of advice requested (please pick the most relevant one even if your enquiry covers several areas):

Academic Concerns
Money Worries
Wellbeing Concerns
Housing Concerns
International Support

Overview of Concern:

Add Supporting Document(s):


In order to provide an effective service, the information on this form and all other correspondence and interviews with you will be recorded by Guild Advice. All records are treated as strictly confidential and are stored for a minimum of six years before being destroyed. The information is kept to allow Guild Advice Staff efficient access to the client’s details, to enable us to assess and help you as best we can.

Data Protection Act 1998: by returning this form you consent to your data being processed for the above purposes

 By submitting this form, you are consenting to your data being processed in line with the Guild's Student Privacy Notice. Please tick to confirm.

Verification (please tick): *

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