Student Mentors


Breaches of confidentiality will be regarded as a disciplinary matter.  The University and the Guild recognise, however, that there may be extreme occasions where there is a need to breach confidentiality. This will only be when:
The Support Staff believe that a student is going to harm him/herself (or has already) or will harm others (or has already) by, for example, violence, sexual abuse, arson, self-abuse or suicide.  In such cases the Student Mentors and Support Staff will strongly advise/ encourage the student to seek professional help, as well as making clear to them the serious consequences of their actions.  If the student still refuses to seek help and there is considered to be a risk of harm, then a decision to breach confidentiality may be taken by the Senior Student Support Advisor, having sought advice from the Student Community Welfare Manager.  The student will be informed of this decision and action will be taken as soon as possible.
Where the law requires disclosure of information for the prevention and detection of crime.  

Data Protection

You hereby confirm that the University of Birmingham and the Guild of Students may hold information in connection with your welfare whilst you are resident in the Accommodation. Such data may be held by employees of the University and the Guild of Students operating the Student Mentor Scheme and may be shared with other employees working within the Student Mentor Scheme. The information will be held and dealt with strictly according to the University’s Data Protection Policy and the Data Protection Act 1998.
In the 2011/12 academic year the Student Mentor Scheme has helped 4,021 students living in university accommodation through organising various events, activities, and one-to-one support.

Breakdown of total enquiries


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