Student Mentors

Safety - On a Night Out

Going out is part of University life for many students. In order to have a safe and enjoyable night it is important to be aware of the potential risks and the steps which can be taken to avoid the evening turning into a night you won’t forget for the wrong reasons.
Go out in a group…try to stay in a group whilst out and be sure to come home in a group.
Avoid drinking to excess…When you are drunk you immediately put yourself at a greater risk of crime, including theft, assault and rape. Try not to mix your drinks and drink water in between alcoholic drinks (will also help with the hangover!).
Drink spiking…There are a number of drugs which can result in total memory loss and a loss of control over your body. Drink spiking is rare, but everyone should be aware of the risks, male or female, as it can happen to anyone. It is also worth bearing in mind that most drinks are actually spiked with (more) alcohol.
Tips to help prevent your drink being spiked:
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended at any time, even when going to the toilet.
  • Never accept a drink from anyone you do not know/trust.
  • Keep your hand over your drink, whether it is a bottle or glass.
  • Do not drink other peoples drinks or left over drinks, even if you have no money left!
  • Be aware of the amount of alcohol you are drinking.
  • Keep an eye on friend’s drinks.
Get a taxi home…Be sure to book a taxi and don’t be tempted to jump into the nearest one. If you don’t book a taxi and it is not a black cab you will not be insured and your safety home can not be guaranteed. Remember, legally, only black cabs can pick you up off the street without a booking. Any other taxi which does this is breaking the law.
Castle Cars are the only taxi firm that the University of Birmingham endorses. In emergencies, you can use your University ID card as payment (up to £10) if you have no money but need to get home safely.
Tel: 0121 472 2222

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