Student Mentors

Safety - In University Residences

Living in University Residences provides you with a great ‘ready made’ community in which to spend your first year and forge life long friends. However, it can be forgotten that although residences are very safe, occasionally crime does happen. By following a few simple steps your year can be as safe and fun as possible!
Always lock windows and doors…It sounds obvious by make sure you lock your room door and close windows, even if you’re only nipping to the bathroom or out for a short time. Historically, although rare, about 90% of burglaries in University accommodation are through insecure windows or doors, and many of them occur during the evening when students have returned from lectures and leave them open!
Don’t advertise your property…particularly if you live on the ground floor, avoid leaving anything on display e.g. laptops on desks in front of windows. Draw your curtains when you are not in your room to stop potential thieves ‘eyeing up’ your things.
If you don’t recognise them, the chances are no one else does…If your residences has an entry system (e.g. access codes, swipe card access) don’t let people follow you in. If you don’t know them simply step aside and let them go first. Also avoid giving out any access codes to people who do not live there. 
Trust your instincts…if you are ever worried that there someone is in your residence who is not a guest or a student, or even if someone is acting suspiciously, report them immediately to security. Simply dial 4444 from your room phone or 0121 414 4444 from any other phone. Residences now all have 24 hour security and CCTV to increase your safety

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