Officer Action Plan - Progress Reports

The below outlines progress against key points in my Officer Action Plan. Click each heading to collapse / view progress updates. If you have any questions regarding these, I'd be happy to discuss. Please feel free to get in touch using the 'Contact Me' section above.

Progress Status

80% Complete
  • We are working with UoB and WMP to get a fully dedicated security staff team to focus on Selly Oak, this requires new posts being created so will hopefully be in full flow in the next few months. In the interim period we are implementing a strategy with WMP and UoB to have an increased presence in the area and methods to deal with any issues more swiftly and efficiently. We are also working with nightclubs and taxi services to offer better welfare provision to keep students safer on nights out. March 2018

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • Facebook group (The Official UoB Student Housing 2017/18) created and launched where students can find new housemates (search, advertise rooms) and questions regarding housing can be addressed (providing advice on rights etc.)Autumn 2017
  • The next steps will be to provide you with information regarding rights, so that you know where you stand. Take this to a more official platform- Bham Student Pad/ I Love Selly Oak websites.March 2018

Progress Status

40% Complete
  • Continued promotion of Student Bricks as a property rating website, which helps students to rate property/ agents.Autumn 2017
  • Will be looking to formulate a preference list that can provide a better picture about lettings agents based upon data gathered from students, by final term so that list can be used as part of the househunting campaign next year.Autumn 2017

Progress Status

40% Complete
  • Collect data from students about housing and their agent. CWs can hand out surveys on a patrol, and online. Create codes of practice, and follow up cases that don’t abide to these, thus holding landlords/ agents to account. One way this could manifest itself is through fixed penalty notices and positioning on preference lists. March 2018

Progress Status

50% Complete
  • In order to make it easier to recycle, I will be asking HAS (uni) to work with us in supplying indoor recycling bags similar to those in Halls. These will be handed out to homes in Selly Oak and a campaign will run alongside it to improve education around managing waste. March 2018

RA Scheme

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • The plan is to restructure the RA Scheme so that it runs similar to the Mentor Scheme with 15 RAs and 2 core staff members. This will enable greater variety of events to be provided and RAs can work on engagement with students and representation, and being the face of the scheme, whilst being paid for the job. Made events plan for rest of term, into next academic year.March 2018

Progress Status

65% Complete
  • There are many different groups of people living In Selly Oak and as a result it’s fundamentally important that we bring these groups together, to extinguish negative views of other groups (promote cohesion). I have a variety of events planned that will be held during second and third term (World Culture Day, Selly Street party, Open Air Cinema etc). Handed out booklets to students ‘Insider’s Guide to Living in the Community’ Next year- Improve the guide and linking it in to the website March 2018

Vale Bus

Progress Status

100% Complete
  • This has not been possible due to the University investing lots of resources on the walkway from campus to the Vale. Alternative is to request an extension of a current service from the dental school to Prichatts and the Vale. Jan 2018