Student Reps

Student Reps and Postgraduate Research (PGR) Reps are current students and researchers at Birmingham, who work to collect and act on your feedback. They represent your academic interests to the University, and work both with the Guild and the University to improve your academic experience.

You can contact your Rep with feedback about your course or your University experience. Individual complaints and personal issues should be directed to Guild Advice.

Rep Awards 2025

The Guild and University of Birmingham are proud to once again present Rep Awards – a chance to celebrate all the hard work and outstanding achievements of students and staff involved within the Student Representation System.

Nominate a Student Rep today by recognising their hard work and dedication throughout the 24/25 academic year.

Rep Awards Nominations

Search For Your Rep

Type your course name into the search box below to find out who your Rep is and how to get in touch with them.

What DoReps Do?

Rep System

  • Students approach their relevant rep with any issues or concerns
  • Reps take this feedback to the relevant forum (i.e. The Student Support Forum)
  • Reps and staff come together to form ideas on how this problem or piece of feedback can be acted upon and resolved.
  • Once agreed by relevant parties, reps can go back to the student with their feedback/recommendations which supports student with their query.

It is important to note that information can flow both ways, and information from wider committees, such as Senate, may be fed back through College/School committees and Student Staff Forums.

Rep OfThe Month

Rep of the Month 2024/25

Rep of the Month aims to recognise the fantastic work Student & PGR Reps do across the diversity of study here at the University of Birmingham.

Each month there will be winning Reps, decided by the criteria shown below.  Winners will receive a certificate, a letter detailing their achievement, and a £15 voucher.  Details of winners will be published in our Newsletters for Reps and Staff.  Winners will be automatically nominated for an award at the annual Rep Awards.

Nominations for each cycle close on the 25th of each month.

Please note: Rep of the Month winner will not be eligible to win again for a period of 3 months.

If you have any questions please email

Who can complete this from?

  • Any staff or student at the University of Birmingham can complete this from to nominate an excellent Student Rep
  • A Student Rep can also complete this form to nominate themselves for Rep of the Month (self-nomination)

What happens once this form is submitted?

Each submission will be scored against the criteria below by two Guild of Students Officers – usually the Education Officer and one other Officer.

Scoring criteria:

  • Has made a positive impact on the education of the cohort they represent 
  • Has actively collected feedback from a diverse range of students and considered the need of all students (e.g. commuter students, non-drinkers); not just friendships groups/ from an exclusive group chat e.g. shout outs in lecture, uses canvas, surveying a diverse range of students 
  • Works collaboratively with other Reps (Student/PGR/School/Colleges) including collaboration on planning/ promoting of feedback opportunities, organising pre-meetings, ensuring feedback is passed between Reps where appropriate, working together to improve the academic experience
  • Closes the feedback loop by informing students of the progress on any actions arising or the reasons why no actions were taken 

Data Protection

The Guild of Students will process any personal data which you provide in this form in line with data protection law and the Guild of Students Privacy Statement. 

If you have any concerns you can contact the Data Protection Officer at

Becoming A Rep

Becoming a Rep is such a valuable opportunity where you’ll be volunteering yourself to support students and researchers who may be facing difficulties on their courses. Student Reps meet with their cohorts regularly to discuss any queries, comments or feedback. To learn all about the various roles on offer visit our ‘Become a Student Rep’ page and read the various role descriptions.

Become A Rep

You can also email our Student Reps Team if you have any questions.

Latest Student Deals